张秀菊,女,工学博士,校聘副教授,硕士生导师。围绕碳中和战略及储能技术发展需求,长期致力于能源关键装备腐蚀防控的基础及应用研究。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、中国博士后科学基金面上项目、湖北省博士后创新研究岗项目,作为技术骨干参与多项国家重点研发计划项目、国家国际科技合作专项、湖北省技术创新专项重大项目的申报、实施与结题工作。以第一/通讯作者在Proceedings of the Combustion Institute、Chemical Engineering Journal、Fuel等国际顶级期刊上发表SCI/EI论文10篇。多次在国际/国内有影响力的学术会议上发表口头报告,申请/授权近10项国家发明或实用新型专利。讲授本科生课程《工程制图D》。
² 2012/09-2016/06 华中科技大学,能源与动力工程学院,本科
² 2016/09-2021/06 华中科技大学,能源与动力工程学院,硕博连读
² 2021/07-2023/09 华中科技大学,能源与动力工程学院,博士后
² 2023/12-至今, 南京工业大学,mg4355线路检测官网,校聘副教授
² 基于功能涂层的腐蚀防护研究
² 多物理场耦合条件下的腐蚀仿真计算
[1] Xiuju Zhang, Huan Liu*, Guangyan Yang, Hong Yao. Fate of Na & Cl in kitchen waste during hydrothermal carbonization. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 490: 151686. (一区TOP, IF: 13.3)
[2] Xiuju Zhang, Huan Liu*, Guangyan Yang, Yipeng Wang, Hong Yao. Comprehensive insights into the application strategy of kitchen waste derived hydrochar: Random forest-based modelling. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 469:143840. (一区TOP, IF: 13.3)
[3] Xiuju Zhang, Huan Liu*, Tongzhou Chen, Haiyan Li, Zifeng Huang, Hong Yao. Mechanism of coupling corrosion caused by flue gas and deposits in municipal solid waste incinerator: Resistance of HVOF-NiCr coating. Fuel, 2023, 342: 127845. (一区 TOP)
[4] Haiyan Li, Huan Liu, Haoxuan Xing, Chan Zou, Xiuju Zhang*, Xiaojiang Wu, Lejin Xu, Hong Yao*. Fate of Na/As along the flue gas path during coal combustion with kaolin addition. Fuel, 2022, 327: 125146. (JCR一区 TOP)
[5] Xiuju Zhang, Huan Liu*, Tongzhou Chen, Haiyan Li, Geyi Wang, Yangwei Wu, Hong Yao*. Alleviation of thermal corrosion caused by molten ash on heat-exchange tubes in MSW incinerators: Effects of Ni-, Co-, Fe-based HVOF coatings. Proceedings of Combustion Institute, 2021, 38(4): 5453-5461.
[6] Xiuju Zhang, Huan Liu*, Tongzhou Chen, Geyi Wang, Haiyan Li, Hongyun Hu, Yun Yu, HongYao. Application of coatings to alleviate fireside corrosion on heat transfer tubes during the combustion of low-grade solid fuels: A review. Energy & Fuels, 2020, 34: 11752-11770.
[7] Xiuju Zhang, Huan Liu*, Haoxuan Xing, Geyi Wang, Haiyan Li, Kangxin Xiao, Wang Liu, Yun Yu, Hong Yao. Investigation of potassium vapor time-resolved adsorption and potassium-sodium competitive adsorption by modified kaolinite. Fuel, 2019, 258: 116124.
[8] Xiuju Zhang, Huan Liu*, Haoxuan Xing, Geyi Wang, Hongping Deng, Hongyun Hu, Xian Li, Hong Yao. Correlations between the sodium adsorption capacity and the thermal behavior of modified kaolinite during the combustion of Zhundong coal, Fuel, 2019, 237: 170-177.