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美国伦斯勒理工学院Pawel Keblinski教授来我院讲学
阅读次数:     发布时间:2015-01-06


上午,Keblinski教授为mg4355线路检测官网师生做了题为 “Molecular-Level Modeling of Phase Change Dynamics at Nanoscale”的学术报告。报告中,Keblinski教授通过举例形象地展示了自己的研究成果及研究方法,拓展了广大师生的视野,并积极解答疑难困惑,提供研究工作的新思路、新方法。报告中,Keblinski教授通过模拟与实验的对比来进一步展示绝热蒸汽的形成和连续介质模型的预测。



Professor Keblinski is using atomic-level computational methods, including classical molecular dynamics and Monte-Carlo simulations, and atomic vibration analysis, to study structureproperty relationships, most notably in interfacial materials. His work to date led to over 90 invited presentations and over 170 publications in peer-reviewed journals. It was cited over 8000 times and has an associated hindex of 44 (Web of Science). His work (Mechanism of Heat flow in Suspensions Containing Nano-sized Particles (Nanofluids), International Journal of Heat & Mass Transfer 45, 855-863 (2002),(758 citations)) has been the predictions (of mostly dismal prospects for nanofluids) stand after 10 + years despite multiple efforts to the contrary. He is a recipient of a National Science Foundation Career Award, a Humboldt Fellowship, 3 RPI School of Engineering Research Awards, and he is an APS Fellow. He is the organizer of the first two MRS symposia on Nanoscale Thermal Transport: From Fundamentals to Devices, 2003 and in 2005, now a regular feature of the MRS Spring Meeting with the symposia held every other year.

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